Mumbai: Actor Bhumi Pednekar is indulging in some environment-friendly quarantine activities while self-isolating with her mom Sumitra Pednekar. The actor decided to learn the science of hydroponic farming (soil-less gardening) from her mom in an effort to build a garden to table the concept of a sustainable lifestyle.
Talking about the idea of practicing hydroponics farming, the Pati Patni Aur Woh star disclosed "My mom and I always wanted to have a hydroponics garden of our own where we grow our own vegetables and can have a fully sustainable lifestyle. We wanted to have a garden to table lifestyle at home and we are both happy with the progress."
Bhoomi is also a propagator behind the much-lauded online and offline initiative Climate Warrior. Through the special initiative, the actor is raising awareness on how Indian citizens can contribute to protecting the climate.
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The Bala star talked about environment conservation and said: "This quarantine has made me get into learning the science of hydroponics and understand the essence of what conservation of environment can truly mean. I have been working closely with my mom during this time. I'm proud that our garden can now produce food for two days of the week! I have tried to be closer to nature during the lockdown and it has made me realise that we can become completely self-sustaining as a community and do our best for its preservation."
Hydroponics or soil-less gardening involves growing healthy plants without the use of a traditional soil medium by using a nutrient like a mineral-rich water solution instead.
With inputs from ANI.