New Delhi: Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana, who is currently shooting in the northeast for Anubhav Sinha's spy thriller 'Anek', shared a family photograph from Kaziranga, Assam, on Monday.
The 'Dream Girl' actor took to his Instagram handle and shared a picture with his wife Tahira Kashyap and kids, Virajveer, Varushka Khurrana as he enjoyed a safari at the Kaziranga National Park. In the caption, he wrote "Gypsies of Kaziranga. Feb 2021."
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The post from the 36-year-old actor received more than four and a half lakh likes within three hours of it being posted.
'Anek' marks Anubhav's second collaboration with Ayushmann after the critically-acclaimed 2019 film 'Article 15'. Helmed by the 'Mulk' filmmaker, 'Anek' is being bankrolled by Anubhav and Bhushan Kumar under Benaras Media Works and T-Series.