Mumbai: Dismayed by the untimely demise of young actor Sushant Singh Rajput, a 17-year-old girl committed suicide, according to sources. Failing to bear the news, she hanged herself from a ceiling fan.
She was a resident of Rajendra Nagar, Patna. The girl who appeared in board exam this year hanged herself using a saree.
Being a huge admirer of M.S. Dhoni star, the girl was blown to the gut hearing the heart-wrenching news of his death.
READ |Sushant Singh Rajput's sister-in-law passes away
Meanwhile, his family has been struck by another blow with his ailing sister-in-law Sudha Devi passing away in Bihar's Purnia on Monday evening as "she could not bear the loss of the actor". She was suffering from liver cancer.
The actor was found dead at his apartment in Bandra (West). While the police have confirmed that he has died by suicide, no 'note' was found from his residence.
His death comes days after his former manager Disha Salian reportedly died by suicide.