Mumbai (Maharashtra): Late iconic actor Irrfan Khan's last film Angrezi Medium has completed two years of its release on Sunday. Radhika Madaan took to her Instagram handle to mark this special day, sharing various pictures from the film.
Sharing the film's poster, Radhika wrote, "will always be special." She also posted a picture from her first day of the shoot, dressed in a school uniform. Tagging the film's director Homi Adajania in the next snap, she penned, "Always guiding me towards light."
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The final picture featured her with her on-screen father, Irrfan, and she added a heart emoticon. Madan has time and again expressed her gratitude to be able to work with the late actor and learn from him. Irrfan Khan succumbed to a case of colon infection on April 29, 2020, after he was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer in 2018.