Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Alaya F, who recently returned from the Maldives where she was apparently accompanied by rumoured boyfriend Aaishvary Thackeray, is on to another holiday with him. This time in Goa. The actor has shared a reel on Instagram wherein she is seen having a gala time with her mother Pooja Bedi and Aishvarya and other friends.
On Wednesday, Alaya took to her Instagram handle to share a video that is compiling a variety of activities that she indulged in on holiday. In one of the shots, Alaya is seen atop a surf boat with Aaishvary while in other clips she is also seen enjoying rafting with her mother.
Sharing the video she wrote, "Hands down one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had in Goa! @goa.cruise.kayaking.sup this evening was soooo special!💙 Make a group of friends or family and go try this out, this is not a sponsored post at all, just a wonderful experience that everyone should have!"
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The rumours about Alaya's romance with Aaishvary Thackeray who is the son of Smita Thackeray are doing rounds for a long but the actor has refuted it saying that he is a friend. In an earlier interview, Alaya was asked if rumours about her dating Aaishvary have any truth to it. To which the 23-year-old actor said that she feels being talked about is always good and one should not take the reports seriously. She said: "Aaishvary is a wonderful friend and an extremely talented person. These stories used to spark curiosity amongst my near and dear ones, but now even they are used to it."
On the work front, Alaya has wrapped up shooting of Freddy co-starring Kartik Aaryan and Ekta Kapoor produced thriller U Turn which she will be carrying on her shoulders.