Mumbai: Actor Akshay Kumar is all set to star with Suniel Shetty's son Ahan Shetty in a new project by producer Sajid Nadiadwala. Ahan already has "Tadap" coming up, with Nadiadwala credited as one of the producers of the film. The Milan Luthria directorial casts Ahan opposite Tara Sutaria and is a remake of the 2018 Telugu hit "Rx 100". And now, the producer has signed him for a new project with Akshay Kumar. The project is currently at a planning stage, and details will be announced soon. "The entire team is rooting for this action power-pack of actors, which has Akshay and Ahan together for the first time," said a source.
Ahan Shetty has finished shooting for his debut Bollywood film "Tadap", which is slated to release on September 24. "It's a wrap on my first film!! Going to hold on to these memories forever. Thank you to the whole team of TADAP and everyone who pushed me in ways I didn't know I could. #sajidnadiadwala's #TADAP in cinemas near you on September 24th!" the actor wrote on Instagram in March.
Akshay Kumar on June 15 had also announced that his upcoming film Bell Bottom will arrive in cinemas worldwide on July 27. Taking to Instagram account, actor Akshay Kumar on Tuesday shared that Bell Bottom is scheduled to release on July 27 theatrically. Apart from Bell Bottom, Akshay has a flurry of projects in his kitty including Atrangi Re, Raksha Bandhan, Bachchan Pandey, Sooryavanshi, Prithviraj and Mission Lion.
Also read: Ahan Shetty wraps debut film 'Tadap' shoot