Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar set the box office on fire with his latest release Sooryavanshi. The actor apparently has not taken time off to celebrate the film's success which is credited for reviving the exhibition sector for Hindi cinema after the industry was severely hit due to the coronavirus pandemic. The actor is off to shoot his upcoming film Ram Setu with co-star Jacqueline Fernadez.
On Tuesday, Akshay and Jacqueline have shared videos from their flight journey together as they are headed for yet another schedule of Ram Setu which went on floors in March this year.
Jacqueline has shared two videos on her Instagram Stories revealing that they are soon to begin a new schedule of Ram Setu but did not mention where are they headed.
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Meanwhile, Akshay took to his Instagram handle to share a video of Jacqueline's 'Jugaadu' skills. In a short video shared on Akshay's Instagram, Jacqueline is seen showcasing a never seen before on-flight hack for curling hair.
Sharing the video, Akshay wrote, "Ladies, here’s a hack for y’all courtesy Jacqueline Jugaadu! Watch and learn how to curl your hair mid-air in a helicopter 😂😂😂 @jacquelinef143."
Akshay and Jacqueline aside, the film also stars Nushrrat Bharucha in the lead role. The mahurat of Ram Setu was shot at Ayodhya In March. The cast went to the Ram Janmabhoomi temple where they performed a puja before officially starting the shoot.
Ram Setu is directed by Abhishek Sharma and is produced by Aruna Bhatia and Vikram Malhotra. A major portion of the film will be shot in Mumbai.