Mumbai: Actor Ajay Devgn on Wednesday shared a PSA for 'Aarogya Setu' app. The video featured the actor in dual roles, first as a bodyguard that acts as Setu and the second role shows the actor as himself.
The Tanhaji star took to Twitter and shared the video in which he is shown exercising while Ajay who also played the role of a bodyguard and introduces himself to the actor saying, "Sir, I am your new bodyguard, Setu."
Ajay then says, "But I already have bodyguards."
"Sir, I'm a different type of bodyguard. Only Setu can guard you against coronavirus."
Dhanyawad @PMOIndia @narendramodi for creating a personal bodyguard for every Indian to fight COVID-19. #SetuMeraBodyguard hai aur aapka bhi.
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) April 22, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
Download @SetuAarogya now!
">Dhanyawad @PMOIndia @narendramodi for creating a personal bodyguard for every Indian to fight COVID-19. #SetuMeraBodyguard hai aur aapka bhi.
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) April 22, 2020
Download @SetuAarogya now!
#IndiaFightsCorona @PMOIndia @narendramodi for creating a personal bodyguard for every Indian to fight COVID-19. #SetuMeraBodyguard hai aur aapka bhi.
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) April 22, 2020
Download @SetuAarogya now!
"How can this save us from coronavirus," asks Devgn.
Setu replies: "I can alarm you in advance about the coronavirus threat, and I also alarm you in advance if coronavirus positive person is around you."
"Sir, I also will let you know if your family has any threat from your family," he added.
To which Ajay replies, "Why would my family be threatened of me?"
"Sir, if you unconsciously get in contact with a corona positive patient, I am going to alarm immediately so that you don't pass the disease to your family."
He then announced that the Government of India has recruited me as a personal bodyguard to 130 crore Indians.
At the end of the video, the Golmaal star appeals to download the Aarogya Setu app, and says "Setu is my bodyguard from coronavirus, and yours too! "
Along with the video Devgn wrote, "Dhanyawad @PMOIndia@narendramodi for creating a personal bodyguard for every Indian to fight COVID-19. #SetuMeraBodyguard hai aur aapka bhi. Download @SetuAarogya now! #IndiaFightsCorona"
AarogyaSetu app, that was launched earlier this month in a public-private partnership, enables people to themselves assess the risk for their catching the coronavirus infection. The app makes its calculations based on a person's interaction with others, using Bluetooth technology, algorithms and artificial intelligence.
From ANI inputs.