New Delhi: The social network said that users in India will be able to watch music videos from labels like T-Series Music, Zee Music Company and Yash Raj Films on its platform. As per the tweet by Facebook, the users will now be able to discover, enjoy and interact with top-charting tracks to old catalogue favourites across various music genres on the platform.
Now Playing: Music Videos on Facebook
— Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) July 31, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Now Playing: Music Videos on Facebook
— Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) July 31, 2020Now Playing: Music Videos on Facebook
— Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) July 31, 2020
"We have been working with partners in the Indian music industry to build the foundation of a music video experience for our consumers, and are thrilled to launch official music videos on the platform," Manish Chopra, Director, and Head of Partnerships, Facebook India, said in a statement.
"We will continue to find opportunities to add more unique social sharing experiences and bring music into the ways people share and connect on Facebook," said Chopra.
On Friday(31 July), The social network announced to bring official music videos from top artists to its main platform in the US.
Facebook launched the music videos in partnership with Sony Music Group, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, Merlin, BMG, Kobalt and many others across the independent music community, publishers and societies.
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(Inputs from IANS)