Hyderabad: OnePlus India launched its first-ever Band on 11 January, priced at Rs. 2,499. To know more about the features of the OnePlus Band, click on the video below.
It is available in three colors- Black, Navy, Tangerine Gray. Features and specifications of OnePlus Band are:
- It has a dual-color band design.
- It helps in continuous blood oxygen saturation monitoring. A dedicated blood oxygen sensor that tracks blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) level via red and infrared light sensors. The OnePlus Band is not designed to be a medical device.
- OnePlus Band has a 100mAh battery with a backup of up to 14 days.
- It has a 1.1-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 126x265 pixels.
- It has Touch Control.
- It tracks light and deep sleep to understand your sleep quality.
- It measures continuous, real-time heart rate monitoring for exercise, rest, and sleep.
- The built-in vibration alarm will also respond to high pulse readings.
- It has 13 exercise modes such as Yoga, Cricket, Fat Burn Running, etc.
- It is rated 5ATM and IP68, the band is sweat and water-resistant up to 50 meters for 10 minutes. It is not suitable for diving, saunas, or high-pressure water activities.
- It is also dust-resistant.
- Users can quickly access key features from their wrist10 – including music, camera shutter controls, call and message notifications.
OnePlus Health app captures and analyzes your health data, providing important insights and helpful advice on your personal health. The user needs to download the official “OnePlus Health” app from Google Play.
OnePlus Band and OnePlus phones, when used together, will provide the best experience. OnePlus Band is also compatible with all Bluetooth devices; the longest Bluetooth transmission distance is 10 meters between the band and Bluetooth device
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