Namakkal (Tamil Nadu): In yet another incident of crime against children, seven men including a 75-year-old man were arrested for sexually abusing two minor girls for six months near Rasipuram in Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu.
The arrested accused persons were identified as K Muthusamy, 75 years; I Varadharaj, 55 years; V Shanmugam, 45 years; S Senthamizhselvan, 31 years; G Manikandan, 30 years; P Siva, 26 years; and G Surya, 23 years all hailing from the same locality.
Police said there could be more than six and are investigating further to nab other culprits.
The issue came to light after the septuagenarian walked out of the kids' home naked on Sunday after the victims raised an alarm. Neighbours who witnessed the scene checked on the kids who revealed that it was happening for at least for the past six months.
The girls reportedly revealed that more than 12 men, all from the same locality are involved in the act.
On being informed about the crime, the neighbours alerted the District Child Welfare Officer (DCWO).
Acting on their plaint, the DCWO forwarded the information to the police for further action.
Police from Rasipuram All Women Police Station swung into action on Monday morning starting with the recording of the statements of the victims and identifying the accused persons involved in the incident.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the mother of the kids who is a widow is working in a manufacturing factory in Rasipuram and would be away during the day time.
The culprits who are aware of the schedule were sexually assaulting the children in their mother's absence. The children were tested at the government hospital in Rasipuram and were admitted to a child care home in the district for rehabilitation.
Police are also quizzing at least 15 men from the locality who were suspected to be in the same party to commit the brutal act.
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