New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday said it is aware of the case of Seema Haider, a Pakistani national, who sneaked into India to be with her lover Sachin whom she met on an online gaming platform. Addressing the weekly media briefing here in New Delhi, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "We are aware of the matter. Pakistani woman Seema Haider was presented before the court and is now out on bail. The matter is under investigation and we will disclose further information if we receive".
According to sources, on July 4, the Gautam Buddha Nagar Police arrested Haider for illegally entering India via Nepal with her four children. Her lover Sachin Meena and his father were arrested for sheltering the illegal immigrants. However, four days later, she and her partner were granted bail by the Gautam Buddha Nagar district court.
According to the police, Seema Haider and her four children had been staying with Meena at his rented apartment in Rabupura in Greater Noida since May 13. According to the UP police, Seema Haider had crept into India via Nepal on May 13 after flying from Karachi to Dubai and then to Kathmandu. She had reached Greater Noida via Lucknow and Agra where Sachin Meena was waiting for her.
It is pertinent to note that the UP's anti-terrorism Squad (ATS) cops during their intense questioning of Seema made her read a few lines in English and as per sources, Seema not just read the lines, but also maintained fluency. This is not the first case of illegal border crossing. Most recently, a Bangladeshi woman and her Indian husband were held in Assam for entering India illegally. According to the police, the woman belonged to the Zakiganj area of neighbouring Bangladesh and her husband was a resident of Teliakhalerpar village in Assam’s Karimganj district.