New Delhi: Elon Musk on Tuesday suspended the relaunch of the 'Blue Verified' badge on Twitter. He said it will put the plan on hold till there is a full-proof mechanism to stop 'impersonation'. The new Twitter head introduced the $8 blue tick subscription plan on November 6. However, the move led to a surge in imposter accounts, forcing Twitter to temporarily halt the service.
"Holding off relaunch of Blue Verified until there is high confidence of stopping impersonation. Will probably use different color check for organizations than individuals," the billionaire said on the microblogging platform. The Blue Tick subscription plan was slated to be relaunched on November 29, Musk had earlier said in a tweet. With this new release, changing someone's verified name will cause the loss of the blue check "until the name is confirmed by Twitter to meet terms of service", he said.