Idlib: The Idlib Health directorate said government rockets hit a hospital in the town of Kfar Nubul on Tuesday, causing extensive damage to the facility and to its generators and cars parked outside.
The directorate said the hospital is now out of order.
The Syria Civil Defence first responders, also known as the White Helmets, released videos on Tuesday claiming to show the aftermath of the damage.
In the videos firefighters can be seen working to put out the blaze attacking the hospital's generators and a vehicle said to be an ambulance parked outside the establishment.
The videos also show rescue workers digging through rubble, in at least two locations in the area, as they put injured men and children into another ambulance.
This brings the total number of regional health facilities directly hit in the offensive to 21, including at least five which the UN had identified as medical centres.
Amnesty International said that attacks on health facilities in opposition-held areas in Syria is part of a well-established pattern by government forces and their allies.
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Fighting has raged in Idlib and the surrounding areas since April 30 as Syrian troops pushed into the enclave from the south while unleashing a wave of intense bombing over the overcrowded area.
The UN said the violence has exacted a heavy toll on civilians, displacing already more than 200,000 people and targeting health facilities and schools.