New Delhi: Union Health Ministry's Joint Secretary Lav Agarwal said on Thursday said the decision on precaution dose in India is based on scientific evidence. While denying media reports on government revisiting the boosting policy in India and the third dose may not be given to all, Agarwal said, "The media reports on this are totally wrong. All factual information is based on scientific evidence."
"The decision is on the basis of the evidence submitted to the relevant group. It's requested not to doubt such decisions," he said. Antiviral drug Molnupiravir is not included in the national treatment protocol for COVID-19, but in some states, private practitioners are prescribing Molnupiravir antiviral for COVID 19 treatment in the young age group.
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On such reports the Union Health Joint Secretary said, "It's important to follow COVID management protocol. We have a national task force and joint monitoring group where technical experts based in India and across the world finalise the clinical management protocol about drugs. "It is explained about medicine also. These detailed guidelines are also available on the AIIMS YouTube channel. It is requested to all to see those guidelines and work according to those guidelines," he added.
"Earlier, we have also explained about antiviral drug's proper usage and conditions, when to be given and its contraindications. We request our clinicians to follow the protocol given on our website," Aggarwal said.