Hyderabad: A TV actor committed suicide by hanging herself at her residence in Sai Bagh Colony, under Tejaji police station limits in Indore, an official said on Sunday. Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Motiur Rahaman said that the TV actress has been identified as Vaishali Takkar (29). A suicide note was also recovered from the spot that suggests that she was stressed and was being harassed by her ex-boyfriend.
Rahman said that the TV actress was basically a resident of Ujjain and she was living here under Tejaji police station limits. The incident occurred around 12:30 am on Sunday. On getting the information about the incident, the police rush to the spot.
The police recovered a diary from the spot in which the suicide note was written. She was being harassed by her ex-lover who was her neighbour. An investigation into the matter was going on and action would be taken against the accused soon, he added.
Last April, Vaishali also informed fans that she was engaged. The actress shared a video of her roka ceremony on Instagram and also revealed the name of her to-be husband, Dr. Abhinandan Singh. A month later, Vaishali announced that she is not getting married and the engagement is called off.
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Sasural Simar Ka aside, Vaishali is best known for her role in Super Sisters, Vish Ya Amrit: Sitara and Manmohini 2. She made her debut with Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai in which she played Sanjana from 2015 to 2016. Following which she appeared in Yeh Hai Aashiqui. The actor was last seen in show Rakshabandhan. (With agency inputs)