Mumbai: Actor, model and casting director Aditya Singh Rajput was found dead in the bathroom of his apartment in suburban Andheri here on Monday, police said. Rajput (33) was living in a shared apartment on the 11th floor of the Lashkaria heights building and allegedly not keeping well since the last couple of days and he collapsed in the bathroom of his apartment in Oshiwara area this afternoon, an official said.
Though there is no official word on the exact cause of his death, preliminary reports suggest it could probably be owing to a suspected drug overdose.
The actor's maid noticed the fall and informed the building's security guard, following which he was rushed to a nearby hospital, where doctors declared him dead, he said. "We have not found anything suspicious about Rajput's death so far. An accidental death report has been registered and his body has been sent for autopsy," the official added. Rajput has participated in reality shows such as "Splitsvilla" and also acted in films such as "Maine Gandhi Ko Nahi Mara".
According to reports, it might be a drug overdose. He was born in Uttarakhand but settled in Delhi and started as a model-cum-actor as a child star in the glamour industry around 20 years ago. Over the years, he became a familiar face on more than 300 advertisements and spots, and acted in films like "Krantiveer", "Maine Gandhi Ko Nahin Mara", "Love" and others.On the small screen, he was seen in shows like 'Cambala Investigation Agency', 'Splitsvilla - 9', 'Love', 'Ashiqui', 'Code Red', 'Rajputana', 'Aawaz-9', 'Bad Boys' and more. Bollywood personalities reacted with shock and disbelief at the young actor's death on various social media networks and some were reminded of the demise of popular actor, Sushant Singh Rajput on June 14, 2020.