Hyderabad: The Nazar 2 actor posted a throwback video of himself and his alleged ex-girlfriend Tunisha Sharma having a great time together both on and off camera on his own Instagram account. Sheezan released the video of the late actress, recalling their good old days on the show's sets. Though the legal battle around Tunisha's demise is still ongoing, he took to his Instagram account to share a poem along with the video that he had written for the late actress and captioned it 'For mine and only TUNNI.'
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The actor in the emotional poem referred to Tunisha as Pari (Angel). The poem which is Hindi is a beautiful tribute to their bond and Tunisha in general. Fans immediately swamped the comment section with heart and weeping emojis after the video was published. A fan on social media said, "Beautifully written bro @sheezan9 & sab ke naam bhi badi khoobasoorti se shabdon me sajaye." "Stay as strong as you are. I'm sure Tunni must be at peace and delighted to read your poetry," wrote another. Another user commented: Is poem m Falaq or shafaq sheezan ki sisters h or kekasha inki mom h or tunisha inki family se jyada close thi isliye @sheezan9 ne ye poetry ki h.' Sayantani Ghosh, an actress, also commented with a crying emoji.
The Ali Baba fame actor was detained by Mumbai police on suspicion of aiding suicide of his former girlfriend and co-star. Last month, he was granted bail. He was detained on December 25, a day after his Ali Baba: Dastaan-e-Kabul co-star Tunisha died by suicide on the show's sets. They were rumoured to be dating, but they split up just 15 days before she passed away. Sheezan responded, "I miss her and if she were alive, she would have fought for me," in response to a question about Tunisha.
Also read: Sheezan Khan accused in TV actress Tunisha Sharma's suicide case released on bail