Mumbai: YouTuber Elvish Yadav has created history by becoming the first wild card contestant to win the Bigg Boss trophy. On Monday night, he emerged as the winner of Salman Khan-hosted Bigg Boss OTT 2. He led the voting with 48 per cent of the votes going in his favour and defeated Abhishek Malhan in the final race. After becoming the winner, Elvish spoke to ANI and expressed his happiness.
"I can't express how I am feeling. This happiness is beyond everything. I am forever grateful to my fans for making me win this show. I did not expect it," he said. Asked if he would like to be a part of the main Bigg Boss reality show in the coming months, the Gugraon boy clearly said "no."
Elvish continued by saying, "I am not prepared for this year's main Bigg Boss yet. I have lived away from my family for many days due to Bigg Boss OTT stint. Hopefully next year I may like to come if I get the chance."
Elvish's journey in Bigg Boss OTT 2 would definitely be remembered for his hilarious one-liners especially ‘Systumm hang’. Even though he entered the house late, he managed to steal the limelight and hold the attention of the viewers. He took home the Bigg Boss OTT 2 trophy and a cash prize of Rs 25 Lakh.
Elvish's family members are on cloud nine. Their hearts have swollen with pride with his historic win. His sister Sana expressed, "I am very proud of him. I had complete faith in him. He has been in this field for a long time and finally, his hard work paid off." (ANI)