Hyderabad: The forthcoming episode of the Salman Khan-hosted reality series will place the competitors in a tough situation. In a series of previews shared on JioCinema, we see contestants mud-slinging on each other, discussing the personality traits of housemates and then talking about captaincy in the BB Verse. The Weekend Ka Vaar episode for Sunday promises a high-on drama experience as evident from the glimpses shared online.
In the first video clip shared, we see ace dancer and choreographer, Terence Lewis gracing the show for the first time. Terence played a game with housemates wherein they had to guess who said what behind their backs. There were messages written on the board and Bigg Boss OTT 2 housemates had to guess who said that about them.
However, there's a twist as usual. Whoever they guess, they will have to throw mud on their faces. Slowly, the game gets intense with messages hitting below the belt. Meanwhile, in another segment, rivals Abhishek Malhan and Avinash Sachdev once again got involved in an ugly war of words. The two have never got along and the personality trait game once again ignited the differences between the two.
In the third clip, makers showed glimpses of BB Verse, in which the four captains of the house till now, Falaq Naazz, Abhishek Malhan, Jad Hadid and Jiya Shankar were seen discussing each other's captaincy. It will be interesting to watch what they feel about Jiya's captaincy, who gets evicted and if we will see a change in captaincy in the house following the discussion. Bigg Boss OTT 2 airs on JioCinema everyday at 9 pm.