Hyderabad: Bigg Boss 17 never fails to amuse its viewers and with the addition of wildcard entrants Ayesha Khan and Aoora, the reality show has managed to keep its audience glued to the screens. Each episode introduces new drama and plot twists, keeping fans enthralled. Wednesday's episode was fascinating as Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain's strained relationship once again took centre stage. Meanwhile, Abhishek, being a true friend, clarified things between Munawar Faruqui and Mannara Chopra.
Abhishek Kumar alleges Isha Malviya knows how to use and throw people
In an earlier episode, Isha Malviya was asked to assign housemates ranks according to their popularity in the game. With her ranking, Isha upset many in the house, especially Ankita Lokhande and her ex-beau Abhishek Kumar. Taking a dig at Isha, Abhishek commented that she knows how to use people and then remove them from her life after their need is over. Rinku Dhawan, Ankita, Neil Bhatt, Munawar, and Ayesha were all seated in the kitchen area when Abhishek commented.
All seemed to agree with Abhishek's opinion that Ankita deserved to be on the second spot instead of Mannara and that it was a mistake on Isha's part. In the episode that aired on Wednesday, Abhishek accused Isha of using and ignoring him. Talking about her ranking, he said that Isha will need Mannara in the game which is why she ranked her at number 2.
Ankita Lokhande miffed at hubby Vicky Jain
Renowned TV actor Ankita had a major argument with her husband Vicky. Ankita argued that Vicky never asks how is she doing, while he is always there for others. The Pavitra Rishta actor had a serious chat with Jain, in which she tells him that, aside from her, he cares about everyone else.
The argument started over with Isha's ranking scene. Ankita tried to talk it out with Vicky, however, she felt unheard. Lokhande was irritated with the Udaariyaan actor as she prioritised Mannara Chopra over her. It is when Vicky tells her not to act like that with him on national television since their parents are watching the show, Ankita loses her cool.
Housemates participate in new task
Bigg Boss introduces a new task, wherein he asks every member to name the weakest contestant according to them. The housemates are supposed to offer two tablespoons of chawanprash to the ones they call out. Munawar chooses Aoora, Ankita takes Neil's name, Mannara, Isha, Arun and Samarth choose Munawar as they feel the stand-up comedian has lost his focus since the arrival of Ayesha Khan. Aoora names Mannara, Abhishek chooses Ankita, Anurag chooses Munawar, Neil chooses Samarth, Vicky chooses Rinku, and Rinku chooses Isha.
Abhishek Kumar becomes bridge between Mannara Chopra and Munawar Faruqui
Standing out as a true friend, Abhishek tried to intervene in between Mannara and Munawar. He tried to convince Mannara of the kind of pressure Munawar was in. Abhishek suggested Mannara to confront Munawar and talk it out. He even takes her to Munawar and makes them talk to each other.
Also read:
- Bigg Boss 17: Tension rises in the house as Munawar Faruqui and Mannara Chopra's rift escalates over Ayesha Khan
- Bigg Boss 17: Munawar Faruqui's hand bleeds as he breaks glass vase during heated argument with Mannara Chopra
- Bigg Boss 17: Ayesha Khan reveals Munawar Faruqui lied about staying with his son, wonders 'if this is all part of a game'
- Bigg Boss 17: Ankita Lokhande flinches as Vicky Jain raises hand; Aishwarya Sharma evicted; Munawar Faruqui gets earful from Salman Khan