Mumbai: Rishi Singh, the fans of whose Arijit Singh-type voice and singing style include star cricketer Virat Kohli, was named the winner of 'Indian Idol 13' late on Sunday night. Rishi is from Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. A favourite right from the start, Rishi takes home a cheque of Rs 25 lakh and a car as well. Debasmita Roy from Kolkata and Chirag Kotwal from Jammu and Kashmir are the first and second runners-up respectively, who received a trophy and a cheque of Rs 5 lakh each. Others who made it to the grand finale show were Sonakshi Kar, Shivam Singh, and Bidipta Chakravarty.
The popular reality show was judged by Himesh Reshammiya, Vishal Dadlani, and Neha Kakkar. One of the highlights of the show was Rishi narrating the story of how his parents had adopted him. Otherwise, as he put, "Main kahin sadh raha hota, main kahin mar raha hota (I would have been rotting away somewhere, or maybe dying)."
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Rishi said he had come to know about his past as recently as the Theatre Round of the reality show. That is when his parents shared with him his life's biggest truth. "Without them, I know I wouldn't have been here. They're like God to me," a grateful Rishi had shared with the world. Today, out of the just 255 people whom Virat Kohli follows on social media, Rishi Singh is one. Indeed, his parents gave him the life he wouldn't have even dreamt of had he not been adopted by them. (Agency inputs)