Hyderabad: Actress Bhumi Pednekar, known for her role in the movie Thank You For Coming, has recently been diagnosed with dengue. In an Instagram post on Wednesday morning, she shared the news with her fans and emphasized the importance of being cautious due to the rising cases of dengue. Showing signs of recovery after eight days, she also uploaded two selfies taken during her hospital stay, where she can be seen lying on a white-gowned hospital bed.
Taking to Instagram, the Dum Laga Ke Haisha actor shared a couple of selfies as she woke up feeling better after 8 days of torture due to dengue. Along witht he pictures, she wrote: ""Ek Dengue ke machar ne, mujhe 8 din ka massive torture de diya. But today I woke up feeling like a WOW, so I had to click a selfie. Guys be careful, cause the last few days were extremely tough for my family and I. Mosquito repellent’s are a must right now. Keep your immunity up. High pollution levels have most of our immunities compromised. Quite a few people I know have gotten dengue recently. Yet again ek invisible virus ne halat kharab kar di :)"
Reflecting on her experience, she expressed gratitude to her doctors and extended appreciation to the nursing, kitchen, and cleaning staff who provided their support. Bhumi Pednekar then directed a message to her followers, urging them to prioritize their immunity and highlighting the necessity of using mosquito repellents during this time. She further mentioned that the high pollution levels have contributed to compromised immune systems, leading to an increase in dengue cases among people she knows.
On the work front, Bhumi Pednekar has Gauri Khan's production venture Bhakshak and Mudassar Aziz's Mere Husband Ki Biwi. She was last seen in Ektaa Kapoor's Thank You For Coming, which received much praise from both fans and critics.
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