Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, on the occasion of Christmas, delighted his fans by sharing a video that reveals his affection for teddy bears. It is quite remarkable that Sunny Deol, known for his macho persona, also possesses an incredibly endearing side that remained undisclosed to the world. However, this is not the only charming aspect of the Instagram reel posted by Sunny.
The video is truly captivating and deserves to be watched repeatedly as it depicts the Gadar 2 star creating his version of his brother Bobby Deol's viral song Jamal Kudu from the movie Animal, effectively capturing the essence of the festivities. Sharing the video, he wrote in the caption, "Celebrated #Christmas with my fave Teddy Bear."
The reel shows Sunny dancing with a teddy bear, serving as a reminder of his recently mentioned 'teddy bear fetish' during an episode of Koffee With Karan Season 8. While appearing as a guest on Karan Johar's chat show alongside his brother Bobby, Sunny's fondness for soft toys was brought into conversation. Karan enquired about his fascination with teddy bears, and Bobby disclosed that Sunny possessed a vast collection of toys.
Expanding on this topic, Sunny expressed that he finds them (toys) incredibly huggable and adorable. "I always keep a small teddy bear in the car and sometimes carry one in my pocket. Wherever I see something cute and nice, I buy them," he said. In terms of his professional endeavours, 2023 proved to be a fruitful year for Sunny, with his film Gadar 2 amassing a staggering worldwide revenue of over Rs 690 crore. As for 2024, Sunny reportedly has three projects in the pipeline, namely Baap, Lahore 1947 and Soorya.
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