Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Rakul Preet Singh has been in the news for a couple of days with the grapevine buzzing with her wedding rumours. There are several rumours that Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani would tie the knot in February. Recently, the former responded to the same after paparazzo stationed at the airport hinted at the news.
Looks like another Bollywood couple's wedding bells are about to ring. There are rumours that Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh may tie the knot in February. Rakul responded to the wedding allegations when the paparazzi teased her for the first time, even though there has been no official confirmation of the same.
When the actress was seen on Thursday morning at the airport, the photographers hinted at her by inquiring about the February nuptials. Rakul remained silent, but she couldn't help but smile and blush. In fact, she turned around again and smiled at them, clearly aware of the rumours.
Regarding the reports surrounding her impending nuptials, a paparazzi had earlier posted on his Instagram account that the couple is probably going to tie the knot on February 22, 2024. It is said to be a small ceremony to be held in Goa with close friends and family in attendance. However, as of right now, neither of them has made an official announcement about this.
Jackky and Rakul's love story is no secret. The two have been romantically involved since 2021. Previously, Rakul discussed her relationship with Jackky in an interview. "We both think there's nothing to hide or be sly about a relationship," she stated, adding, "the finest thing to do if you're in a relationship is to appreciate and acknowledge each other for that. Let's be honest. The couples who are hiding and fleeing are well known to us. We are not from that school of thinking."
On the work front, she will co-star with Kamal Haasan in Indian 2. Bobby Simhaa and Priya Bhavani Shankar play important roles in the movie as well. Conversely, Jackky is anticipating the release of his next production Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.
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