Hyderabad (Telangana): Ahead of the rumoured wedding of Ranbir Kapoor and actor Alia Bhatt, director Ayan Mukerji treated fans by unveiling a glimpse of love-filled song Kesariya from Brahmastra. Ayan apparently confirmed the wedding of Ranbir and Alia as he dedicated the song to the couple who according to him is entering 'amazing new chapter of life.'
On Wednesday, Ayan took to social media to share a glimpse of Kesariya. The director took to his Instagram to share the film's asset and wrote, "For Ranbir and For Alia! And… For this Sacred Journey they are going to embark on soon ! ❤️🥰💥 Ranbir and Alia… my closest and dearest people in this world… my happy place, and my safe place… who have added everything to my life… and given themselves completely and selflessly to our movie…!"
Mukerji further wrote, "We just had to share a piece of their union, from our movie, from our song Kesariya, to Celebrate them… as a Gift to them, and to Everyone!! Wishing that the best of Energies and all the Blessings, all the Joy and all the Purity, surround them as they enter an amazing new chapter of life, together forever ❤️💥 #loveisthelight."
SEE PICS | Ahead of wedding with Ranbir Kapoor, a look at Alia Bhatt's on-screen bridal looks
Ayan is Ranbir and Alia's close friend and his film Brahmastra marks the first screen collaboration between Ranbir (39) and Alia (29). They began dating while filming the much-awaited big-budget fantasy adventure epic, which had been in the making for eight years. There are reports that Ranbir and Alia, 29, will tie the knot in the presence of family and friends this week, however, there has been no official confirmation from the couple's side.
The film, produced by Fox Star Studios, Dharma Productions, Prime Focus and Starlight Pictures, also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna Akkineni. The film will hit theaters on September 9, in five languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.