Mumbai: Rashmika Mandanna's upcoming Telugu film with Nithin got launched on Friday in Hyderabad. Tentatively titled VNRTrio, the film was launched in presence of megastar Chiranjeevi, filmmakers Hanu Raghavapudi, Gopichand Malineni, Bobby, and others. The yet-to-be-titled film marks Rashmika's second collaboration with Nithin and filmmaker Venky Kudumula.
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For VNRTrio launch, Rashmika was seen donning a rani pink salwar suit. The actor took to social media to share a set of three pictures from VNRTrio launch. Sharing the images, Rashmika revealed that the film was launched with a pooja ceremony. While many celebrities marked their presence at VNRTrio launch, it was Chiranjeevi who stole the limelight. The megastar also gave the first clap for Rashmika and Nithin's film.
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Without divulging much, Rashmika also hinted that the upcoming film will be a crazy and fun ride. The actor also asked for blessings and the love of her well-wishers as she kickstarts the VNRTrio journey. The upcoming film is VNRTrio's second outing after the 2020 released Bheeshma.
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Bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers, the upcoming film is said to be a full-on entertainer. The makers announced VNRTrio with a hilarious video wherein the lead actors were seen taking digs at themselves. From Rashmika's 'national crush' tag to controversies and flops that Nithin delivered of late, the video was packed with witty one-liners.
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The makers of VNRTio have kept details regarding the film under wraps. Keeping curiosity around the film intact, Venky had earlier said that his upcoming film with Rashmika and Nitihin will be completely different from his previous directorial ventures Chalo and Bheeshma.