Hyderabad: On Monday, Farhan Akhtar unveiled the release date for the highly anticipated crime drama Bambai Meri Jaan, featuring acclaimed actor KK Menon in a riveting role. The series, slated to debut on Prime Video from September 14, boasts a stellar ensemble cast including Avinash Tiwary, Kritika Kamra, Nivedita Bhattacharya, and Amyra Dastur in pivotal roles.
Taking to Instagram, Fahan dropped Bambai Meri Jaan release date announcement video. The actor wrote, "Time to crown the new king of Bambai! #BambaiMeriJaanOnPrime, new series, Sept 14," alongside the video on his social media handle.
Billed as an engrossing and fast-paced crime thriller, Bambai Meri Jaan delves into the intricate dynamics between a father and his son, who embody contrasting facets of their shared heritage. The storyline traverses the age-old conflict of good versus evil, all set against the backdrop of the post-independence era. The narrative follows the journey of a young man named Dara Kadri (portrayed by Tiwary) who finds himself torn between his father's legacy in law enforcement (played by Menon) and his own entanglement in the world of organized crime.
According to makers, Bambai Meri Jaan helmed by Shujaat Saudagar, is a 10-part series, that will transport viewers to the post-independence era, offering a glimpse into the emergence of Mumbai's underworld against the backdrop of a newly liberated nation. The show embarks on a thrilling exploration of gangster dynamics, delving deep into the timeless struggle between good and evil.
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