Mumbai: After enthralling the audience with the teaser of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's Hindi song 'Kesariya' from 'Brahmastra', the makers, on Frida, unveiled shared a glimpse of the Telugu version. The new teaser in Telugu is titled 'Kumkumala' and features a few seconds of additional footage in the beginning that the audience has not seen yet.
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Sharing the link of the video, Alia took to Instagram and wrote, #Kesariya becomes #Kumkumala. Enjoy the teaser you have loved so much, in Telugu, with love and pride. Brahmastra Part One: Shiva comes to cinemas on September 9th."
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The Telugu version is sung by Sid Sriram. On the other hand, Arijit Singh has lent his vocals to the Hindi track. In both the clips, Alia and Ranbir are seen romancing each other. The music video was shot in Varanasi in March. Apart from the newlyweds, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna are also a part of Ayan Mukerji's directorial. (ANI)