Mumbai: Actor Tamannaah Bhatia had denied the rumours that she had a falling out with filmmaker Anil Ravipudi over an item song in Nandamuri Balakrishna's highly anticipated upcoming action movie -- his career's 108th film. The news that went viral was that Tamannaah, who performed the song Daang Daang in the Mahesh Babu-starrer Sarileru Neekevvaru, was approached by Ravipudi, but the duo had a falling out over the remuneration. This, Tamanaah now says, is not true.
Tamannaah took to her Twitter profile and slammed portals for running the "baseless allegations". She tweeted, "I have always enjoyed working with @AnilRavipudi sir. I have huge respect for both him and Nandamuri Balakrishna, sir. So reading these baseless news articles about me and a song in their new film is very upsetting. Please do your research before you make baseless allegations."
Tamannaah has appeared in a few Anil Ravipudi-directed films, such as Sarileru Neekevvaru, Aagadu, and F2: Fun And Frustration. Additionally, rumours concerning her equation with the director have circulated online even before. In an interview, following the release of their movie, F3: Fun And Frustration, last year, Anil Ravipudi addressed the reports regarding his tiff with Tamannaah. The conflict was described by the director as a 'minor misunderstanding'.
I have always enjoyed working with @AnilRavipudi sir. I have huge respect for both him and Nandamuri Balakrishna sir. So reading these baseless news articles about me and a song in their new film, is very upsetting. Please do your research before you make baseless allegations.
— Tamannaah Bhatia (@tamannaahspeaks) May 20, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">I have always enjoyed working with @AnilRavipudi sir. I have huge respect for both him and Nandamuri Balakrishna sir. So reading these baseless news articles about me and a song in their new film, is very upsetting. Please do your research before you make baseless allegations.
— Tamannaah Bhatia (@tamannaahspeaks) May 20, 2023I have always enjoyed working with @AnilRavipudi sir. I have huge respect for both him and Nandamuri Balakrishna sir. So reading these baseless news articles about me and a song in their new film, is very upsetting. Please do your research before you make baseless allegations.
— Tamannaah Bhatia (@tamannaahspeaks) May 20, 2023
Also read: Watch: Vijay Varma spotted on a movie date with rumoured girlfriend Tamannaah Bhatia
Meanwhile, Tamannaah has a slew of projects in her kitty, such as Bhola Shankar, Jailer (the Rajinikanth-starred helmed by Nelson), Aranmanai 4, Bandra, That Is Mahalakshmi and Bole Chudiyan. She's also wrapping up her bits in the web shows Jee Karda and Lust Stories 2 and an untitled drama series with Disney+ Hotstar. (With agency inputs)