Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, who is currently basking in the success of his most recent movie Gadar 2, was spotted by the paparazzi on Tuesday evening. Paparazzi spottings are commonplace and nothing out of the ordinary, but this one was unusual as Sunny was papped exiting the same building where around the same time Amrita Singh and Dimple Kapadia were spotted leaving the building.
Pictures and videos of the actors surfaced on the internet in no time, and everyone started to speculate if these three stars were working together on a project.
Dimple Kapadia's spotting comes just a few days after she was seen leaving a cinema hall which was showing both Gadar and OMG2 in Mumbai.
A group of cameramen surrounded her as soon as she stepped out of the building. The actor had to manage her way through the paparazzi while they were busy taking her pictures. That spotting left everyone wondering if Dimple watched Sunny Deol's Gadar 2 or her son-in-law's movie OMG 2.
For those who are unaware, Sunny Deol and Dimple Kapadia have worked together in the 1980s. Sunny and Dimple became close friends while collaborating on movies like Aag Ka Gola, Manzil Manzil, and Narsimha. The two, however, never made a public declaration of their friendship. Their friendship lasted for 11 long years, before they went separate ways. Also, Amrita Singh, Sunny Deol's ex-girlfriend, had previously claimed that Sunny and Dimple were dating.
On the work front, Sunny Deol will wrap up the shoot of Vivek Chauhan's Baap within a few months. The actor-politician will appear in the remake of Joseph, a Malayalam crime thriller. He is yet to announce a new project. While we saw Dimple Kapadia in Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan and Ranbir Kapoor-Shraddha Kapoor's Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, and Amrita Singh was last seen in the 2022 film Heropanti 2.