Hyderabad: Shruti Haasan made her debut as the renowned star Kamal Haasan's daughter, but she made her mark as an actress. Having entertained the Tamil, Telugu and Hindi audiences with different roles, she is soon ready to impress with the English film 'The Eye'. It has been informed that this film has been nominated for international film festivals in many categories. To this extent, Shruti Haasan posted an emotional post on social media. She said that this movie is very special for her.
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"This film has been nominated in the Best Director and Best Cinematographer categories at the Greek International Film Screenings. It was nominated for the 'London Independent Film Festival' in the Best Film category. The film was shot in the Corfu islands. I am eagerly waiting to show you this movie," she said. However, no release date has been announced.
Mark Rowley of 'The Lost Kingdom' fame is the protagonist in the movie. Directed by Daphne Schmon. The film is a psychological thriller about a young widow, who returns to an island to find the skeletal remains of her deceased husband. On the other hand, Shruti Haasan's 'Salaar: Ceasefire' opposite Prabhas will hit the screens on December 22. 'Hi Nanna' in which she played a key role will be released soon. Nani is the hero of this movie.