Mumbai (Maharashtra): Satyaprem Ki Katha, which stars Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani in titular roles, has crossed the Rs 100 crore mark at the global box office, the makers said on Tuesday. Taking to social media, Kartik and Kiara shared a post giving an update on their movie.
Kartik took to his Instagram handle and dropped a poster of the movie on which it was written "running successfully in cinemas. 100 cr worldwide gross." He captioned the post, "Thank you for 100 cr ka Love #SatyaPremKiKatha (along with white heart and folded hands emojis)." Kiara also shared the same poster and captioned it as, "Thank you for giving so much love to #SatyaPremKiKatha (with a white heart emoji)."
Reacting to their post, a fan wrote, "I went two times to the cinemas to watch your movie. It was simply fantastic. I love everything about it. The songs were so amazing and I can't stop listening to it over and over again. Both of you deserve an award for amazing acting."
In a press note, the makers said, "With all the love and great positive word of mouth from the audience, the film collected Rs 2 crore on Sunday making its India total amounts to Rs 68.06 crore net, and has crossed the mark of Rs 100 crore worldwide."
The musical romance drama, which opened in theatres across the country on June 29, is directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Sameer Vidwans. The film is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Namah Pictures. It also stars Gajraj Rao, Supriya Pathak, Rajpal Yadav, and Shikha Talsania. The movie marks the second collaboration between Aaryan and Advani after 2022's hit horror comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. (With agency inputs)