Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan flaunted a new hairdo at a party in Mumbai on Sunday. Social media is awash with photos and videos of the actor as he made an appearance at the party in his new look. Salman's fans believe that his new hairdo is for Vishnu Vardhan and Karan Johar's movie. As per reports, Salman will most likely appear in KJo and Vishnu Vardhan's next after Tiger 3.
In a video posted on Instagram by a paparazzo, Salman can be seen entering a venue sporting an all-black outfit. Soon after the superstar's pictures and videos went viral, fans began speculating that his new look is for Vishnu Vardhan and Karan Johar's next movie.
Reacting to the Veer actor's look, a fan commented, "No one can look better than him in this look..uff.." Another fan commented, "Bole to jhakkas look." One more commented, "He looks fine in every style." A social media user wrote, "He's getting ready for his next army movie." Another user wrote, "Tere naam 2 ???? One more wrote, "Is it for Karan and Vishnu's film?" While others dropped red hearts and fire emojis.
Also read: Salman Khan fans demand for Tiger 3 glimpse after Hrithik Roshan drops update on Fighter
Meanwhile, reports are rife that Salman Khan, Karan Johar, and Vishnu Vardhan have been in talks for an upcoming project for the last six months. The movie would be Salman's next feature film after Tiger 3. Karan and Vishnu are said to be planning to take the film on floors in November 2023. The film will be shot over the course of seven to eight months.