Hyderabad: Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor, though not active on social media, engages with his fans. He recently had a Zoom call with his fans, discussing two of his highly anticipated projects: Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana and Anurag Basu's Kishore Kumar biopic. While nothing has been officially announced about these significant projects, RK's supposed involvement has garnered immense buzz around the films.
The long-anticipated Kishore Kumar biopic, directed by Anurag Basu, has been in the works for years. Ranbir Kapoor mentioned that he'll review the script by the end of the month but hasn't found a suitable role yet. Regarding Ramayana, he clarified that nothing has been finalised due to its vast scale and the need for extensive work. He expressed hope that progress would be made soon, although he's heard various ideas.
In his discussion with Zoom fans, Ranbir Kapoor also admitted that due to his busy shooting schedules, he hadn't spent much time with his daughter Raha, whom he welcomed with his wife Alia Bhatt in November 2022. However, he announced his intention to take a six-month break from acting to focus on his parental responsibilities. This decision coincides with his wife Alia Bhatt's busy shooting schedule for her upcoming production venture Jigra. The film helmed by Vasan Bala will also feature Alia in the lead role.
Known for his selective approach to projects, Ranbir Kapoor is not in a rush. His next film, Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, is a highly anticipated mass-action thriller set to release on December 1, 2023. He will also reprise his role as Shiva in the second installment of the Brahmastra franchise, scheduled to start filming by the end of 2024. Additionally, he's in discussions to play lead roles in the upcoming Ramayana adaptation and the Kishore Kumar biopic, both expected to be officially announced soon.
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