Mumbai: Actor Ajay Devgn and Kajol shared a very affectionate post on their respective Instagram handle and wished each other their 24th anniversary. The couple has won hearts with their onscreen and off-screen chemistry among the most cherished and loved Bollywood couples. The couple has been married for 23 years now and has co-starred in approximately 9 films.
Kajol shared a heartfelt message on Instagram, and Ajay Devgn also posted a clip from an interview where he was seen gushing over Kajol. The fans are seen posting warm wishes to the couple. Kajol on her Instagram handle wrote, "Running, walking, limping, kicking, screaming here we are 23 years later. Do we deserve a medal or a look of awe? Either way, since we both know how u feel about award functions I’m taking a bow now"
Ajay Devgn posted a 4 seconds clip from an interview in which he says, "I am surprised that she is still with me" and Kajol goes "awe". The actor captioned it as, "1999 - Pyaar toh hona hi tha 2022 - Pyaar toh always hai! Happy Anniversary @kajol with a heart emoticon". In fact, talking to Beerbiceps- a YouTube channel he shared how his relationship is sustained by saying, " it is sustaining very well. Though there are many ups and downs in every marriage in the sense. But then you have to manage those disagreements. I mean two minds, cannot be alike. Where two kids are concerned two minds will think differently also. But then, we discuss what is right and what is wrong and that's how it works."
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He also shared a funny post he shares where he was asked when is his marriage anniversary in another interview he gave the wrong answer by saying it was on February 22nd or 23rd. Kajol's reaction to this was hilarious she opened her eyes wide as if in disbelief at how he can forget this day and says the date is the 24th. Ajay captioned the picture as “Reminder” and added a tick-mark emoji to it.
Ajay Devgn paired with Kajol in films like Tanhaji, Ishq, Pyar toh hona hi tha, Dil kya re, Gundaraj, Raju Chacha, Toonpur Superhero, U me aur Hum, Hulchul. Fans are gushing over their post writing, "And congratulations for staying true to each other. Stay in love with each with much respect and love for one another." Reacting to his reminder post a fan wrote, "Awwww Ajay!! Good very close!!Kajol- he is very close to the accurate date. (Maybe he was pulling your leg? - tease you?)"