Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor and her husband, businessman Anand Ahuja, took to their social media handles on Sunday and dropped pictures with their son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja from their visit to London's renowned Lord's Cricket Ground. The two shared the images of their family outing in a joint post on Instagram with a lovely caption for their son.
The caption of the post read, "Put me in, coach. I'm ready! #VayusParents #EverydayPhenomenal." In the first picture, Anand could be seen holding Vayu as the latter tried to walk on the ground. Sonam joined them in the next picture. The photos were taken from behind which gave a fantastic view of the stadium's lush green ground. Their faces were not visible in the photos.
Reacting to the pictures, a fan wrote, "This type of father is so Good (with heart eyes emojis)." Another fan wrote, "Vayu Kapoor next cricket Star for team India." One more wrote, "He looks so adorable (with a red heart emoji). An Instagram user wrote, "Super cute family!" While others filled the comment section with red heart emojis.
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja tied the knot in 2018 after dating for a few years. The couple welcomed their first child, son Vayu in August 2022. Meanwhile, Sonam is making a comeback in Bollywood with Shome Makhija's crime thriller Blind, after a lengthy break. Blind will mark Sonam's first film after she gave birth to Vayu. Sonam last appeared in Netflix's AK vs AK (2020) as a cameo. Prior to it, she appeared in the 2019 movies The Zoya Factor, and Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga.