Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor is on a roll, keeping himself occupied in the post-pandemic with back-to-back job obligations. The actor worked on two digital projects after Jersey - Bloody Daddy, directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, and Farzi, directed by Raj and DK. He then began the yet-untitled rom-com for Dinesh Vijan with Kriti Sanon. As per a report, Shahid Kapoor is in talks with Rosshan Andrews for a thriller, and now it has been revealed that Rosshan Andrrews and Siddharth Roy Kapur have cast Pooja Hegde as the movie's female lead character.
According to a source close to the development, Rosshan and Siddharth decided to move on with a new casting and have chosen Pooja Hegde to co-star with Shahid Kapoor as the female lead. It is a suspense thriller and the team is eager to take it on floors. The title of the Rosshan Andrew movie, Koi Shaq, fits very nicely with the theme of the suspense thriller, which is a whodunnit zone. The movie is produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur with Zee Studios.
Also read: Shahid Kapoor's action thriller Bloody Daddy to have direct OTT release
"The team has finally got a very applicable title for the movie after being without one for a very long time. 'Koi Shaq' has the vibe of a compelling murder mystery. The movie was supposed to go on floors on May 8, but there has been a delay at this point, so the shooting schedule has not yet been set up," the source stated.
In addition, Shahid is working on a comedy for Tollywood producer Dil Raju with director Anees Bazmee. "He hasn't decided on the dates, but there is a good chance Shahid will begin shooting the Anees Bazmee movie before the thriller. In the following 15 days, there will be a clearer idea of his shooting schedule," the source added.