Hyderabad: To mark Prabhas' 43rd birthday, the unit of director Om Raut's Adipurush on Sunday released actor Prabhas's look in the film as Lord Ram. Meanwhile, team Project K dropped special glimpse of Prabhas' character from the sci-fi film. The look was released on Sunday to coincide with the birthday of the actor who plays the lead in the film. The film is scheduled to hit screens worldwide on January 12 next year and will also be available in 3D.
Prabhas, who shared his look in the film on social media, wrote: "Maryada Purushottam Prabhu Shree Ram. 'Adipurush' releases in theatres on January 12, 2023, in IMAX & 3D!"
It may be recalled that the unit of the film launched the teaser and poster of the film on the banks of the Sarayu in Ayodhya. Kriti Sanon, who plays the female lead in the film, also shared the poster on her timeline on Instagram. Apart from Prabhas and Kriti Sanon, the film also features Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh in pivotal roles and is being produced by T Series and Retrophiles.
Meanwhile, the makers of the upcoming sci-fi Project K took to social media to wish Prabhas with a teaser poster of his character from the film with "Heroes are not born. They rise..." written on it.
READ | Prabhas turns 43, carrying Rs 1,900 cr budgets on his well built shoulders
Sharing the poster, the makers wrote, "Here's wishing our Darling @actorprabhas a Super Happy Birthday. #ProjectK @nag_ashwin @amitabhbachchan @deepikapadukone #AshwiniDutt @vyjayanthimovies #HappyBirthdayPrabhas."