Mumbai: After Bollywood actor Nushrratt Bharuccha, who is busy with the shoot of the sequel to her 2021 hit horror flick Chhorri, got injured while performing an action sequence in the film. The actor got a cut on her face while shooting for her part. Her Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 co-actor, Ishita Raj, who is also her good friend, took to her social media and a hilarious video in which Nushrratt can be seen receiving the stitches.
Nushrratt reposted the same on her Instagram. In the video, Nushrratt can be seen lying in the doctor's clinic and is getting her cut stitched. Now as much as Nushrratt is in pain, her friend's light-footed approach makes her laugh. Nushrrat suffered cuts while shooting for the film in December 2022 as well. Last year, she posted a snap where she got cuts and bruises on the hand. She wrote, "And the cuts and bruises have begun!! #Chhorii2."
In a similar incident, filmmaker Rohit Shetty too got injured and recived stiches on two fingers while shooting for his digital debut Indian Police Forces in Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. Rohit resumed shooting within 12 hours of the accident and pulled of an action sequence with Sidharth Malhotra and others.
READ | Nushrratt Bharuccha recuperating after being rushed to hospital from shooting
Speaking of Chhori, it's helmed by Vishal Furia and it was streamed exclusively on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video and received positive responses from the audience. In December 2021, the makers announced the sequel.
Other than Chhorri 2, Nushrrat has an interesting lineup of films. She will also be seen in an upcoming family entertainer film Selfie along with Akshay Kumar, Emraan Hashmi and Diana Penty. Apart from that, she also has a drama thriller Akelli in her kitty.