Hyderabad: Actor Rashmika Mandanna is busy juggling sets of her films in Bollywood and down south. In between, the actor also manages to squeeze in some time for award shows, adverts, and brief holidays. But above all, fitness seemingly tops the priority chart for the National Crush. Rashmika often shares pictures and videos from her fitness training sessions on social media and on Tuesday she treated her fans with a glimpse of her 'Rush hour.'
When it comes to fitness, Rashmika seemingly trusts former footballer and self-improvement coach Karan Sawhney. Karan, who often shares videos and pictures with the Pushpa star from training sessions, took to social media to share a picture with Rashmika and captioned it with, "Rush hour with @rashmika_mandanna ✌️."
Later, Rashmika reshared the post on her Instagram Stories and asked Karan, "Why do you look so angry in the picture?" While Rashmika is seen flaunting a tee with Rush and the number 5 written on it, Karan is seen posing next to her.
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On the work front, Rashmika will next be seen in Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal. She replaced Parineeti Chopra and will be seen playing Ranbir's love interest in the film. Helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the film is scheduled to hit big screens in August.
Meanwhile, Rashmika also has highly anticipated Pushpa: The Rule in the making. The film headlined by Allu Arjun is a sequel to the 2021 released Pushpa: The Rise. Rashmika will reprise her role as Srivalli in the film directed by Sukumar.