Mumbai: Actor Nana Patekar recently faced a lot of criticism after a video of him slapping a man went viral on social media. The video shows Nana Patekar in a brown blazer and a hat and when a fan comes from behind and starts taking a selfie with him, he smacks him on the back of his head. A crew member standing next to Nana then grabs the boy by the neck and makes him leave the set.
Nana Patekar slaps a teenager who tried to take a selfie with him
— 💝🌹💖jaggirmRanbir💖🌹💝 (@jaggirm) November 16, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
Why should one give these celebrities any importance after all they are human beings like us.
Success goes into their head.
">Nana Patekar slaps a teenager who tried to take a selfie with him
— 💝🌹💖jaggirmRanbir💖🌹💝 (@jaggirm) November 16, 2023
Why should one give these celebrities any importance after all they are human beings like us.
Success goes into their head. Patekar slaps a teenager who tried to take a selfie with him
— 💝🌹💖jaggirmRanbir💖🌹💝 (@jaggirm) November 16, 2023
Why should one give these celebrities any importance after all they are human beings like us.
Success goes into their head.
On Wednesday, the Welcome actor broke his silence and reacted to the viral video by saying that "this happened by mistake".
The video which is circulating on social media has been misinterpreted by many. What actually happened was a misunderstanding during the rehearsal of a shot from my upcoming film 'Journey'.
— Nana Patekar (@nanagpatekar) November 15, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">The video which is circulating on social media has been misinterpreted by many. What actually happened was a misunderstanding during the rehearsal of a shot from my upcoming film 'Journey'.
— Nana Patekar (@nanagpatekar) November 15, 2023The video which is circulating on social media has been misinterpreted by many. What actually happened was a misunderstanding during the rehearsal of a shot from my upcoming film 'Journey'.
— Nana Patekar (@nanagpatekar) November 15, 2023
Nana shared, "A video is going viral where I have hit a boy. Though this sequence is a part of our film, we had one rehearsal...We were scheduled to have a second rehearsal. The director told me to begin. We were about to begin when the boy in the video came in. I didn't know who he was, I thought he was one of our crew so I slapped him as per the scene and I told him to leave. Later, I came to know that he was not a part of the crew. So, I was going to call him back but he ran away. Maybe his friend shot the video. I have never said no to anybody for a photo. I don't do this...This happened by mistake...If there is some misunderstanding, please forgive me...I will never do anything like this."
Reportedly the incident happened on the sets of the film Journey which also stars Gadar 2 actor Utkarsh Sharma in the lead role. Meanwhile, Nana was recently seen in director Vivek Agnihotri's The Vaccine War.
Also read:
- WATCH: Nana Patekar slaps fan seeking selfie on Journey set in Varanasi, video viral
- Tanushree Dutta refuses to speak about Nana Patekar, Vivek Agnihotri, says 'they need my name to run their films'
- Nana Patekar strongly condemns nepotism, takes veiled dig at Jawan, Gadar 2 at The Vaccine War trailer launch