Hyderabad: Actor Ileana D'Cruz is all set to welcome her first child is known. The actor has remained tight-lipped about the presence of someone special in her life and kept the identity of her baby's father under wraps for so long. The Pokiri star, however, apparently revealed the face of her mystery man on social media.
On Monday, Ileana took to Instagram Stories to share a collage of three pictures wherein she is seen beaming with happiness and so is the man who shares the frame. The actor has not revealed the name of her partner, but she shared the picture with "Date nighty" written on it while a read-heart emoji follows.
Ileana was reportedly dating Katrina Kaif's brother Sebastien Laurent Michel. Her latest social media post, however, put the speculation to rest as the man in the pictures is not Sebastien. Ileana is in her third trimester of pregnancy and may welcome her bundle of joy anytime soon. The actor has been vocal about her motherhood journey and regularly shared her thoughts and feelings with her fans on social media. From hearing the first heartbeat of the unborn to fatigue during pregnancy, Ileana shared it all with her followers on social media.
Keeping her followers intrigued about the man in her life, Ileana shared a blurry image of her intimate moment with her partner on social media. The actor also treated her fans with glimpses of her babymoon last month. D'Cruz hogged headlines with her pregnancy announcement in April.
The 36-year-old actor was earlier reportedly married to Australian photographer Andrew Kneebone but the duo parted ways in a few years. In 2019, Ileana also spoke about how she dealt with the situation and said in an interview that she keeps her personal life away from media glare as she wouldn't prefer to be "served on a platter in a gossip column."
READ | Soon-to-be-mom Ileana D'Cruz shares picture of herself as '9th-month fatigue' kicks in