Hyderabad: Hollywood actor Tom Cruise's recently released film Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One has surpassed Rs 50 crore mark at the Indian box office. The movie made Rs 17 crore net on Sunday, which is its second-highest earning for a day so far. The film, which starred Tom Cruise as a top spy, was released last week in theatres.
According to a Sacnilk, the movie minted Rs 17 crore net on Sunday in India across all languages as per early estimates. Mission Impossible 7 has made a total of Rs 63.20 crore at the box office in India to date. The actioner opened in theatres on July 12, grossing Rs 12.3 crore. On the second day, it made just Rs 8.75 crore. Mission Impossible's box office collection increased slightly on Friday, rising to Rs 9.15 crore. But the film got a significant bounce over the weekend and brought in Rs 16 crore on Saturday.
The film was among the highly anticipated releases this year. On Rotten Tomatoes, it received positive reviews, with critic and audience scores sitting at 96% and 94%, respectively. The spy action drama is directed by Christopher McQuarrie and also features Hayley Atwell, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, and Vanessa Kirby in lead roles. The story centers around a 60-something Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his IMF crew as they attempt to defeat The Entity, a mysterious and supremely strong artificial intelligence force.