Hyderabad: Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu took to social media to treat his fans with a workout video. On Saturday, Mahesh dropped a glimpse of his fitness grind on Instagram which has left his fans drooling. Sharing the video o him sweating out in the gym, Mahesh also revealed what his Saturday workout routine includes.
The 47-year-old actor seemingly entered the weekend with fitness on his mind if his latest Instagram post is anything to go by. The Pokiri star is seen acing various exercises as he strengthens his core. Taking to Instagram, Mahesh wrote: "My Saturday Sizzle Set!! With my favourite skill mill finisher... 😎😎😎 1 minute landmine press, 1 minute kettlebell swings, 1 minute skillmill run!! How many sets can you do??? 💪💪💪(sic) ." The actor also tagged his trainers Minash Gabriel and Heath Matthews on the post.
Soon after Mahesh shared the post, his fans flocked to the comment section to heap praise on the actor. Fans are seemingly drooling over Mahesh's workout video as many lauded his love for fitness while others are floored by his looks. Reacting to Mahesh Babu's latest post, a fan asked, "Am I only seeing him as John Wick?" while another agreed, "Indian John Wick." Fans aside, Mahesh's latest video also managed to evoke a reaction from his wife Namrata Shirodkar who dropped multiple fire emojis in the comment section.
On the work front, Mahesh has two highly anticipated movies at various levels of production. The actor has Trivikram Srinivas helmed Guntur Kaaram scheduled to hit theaters on January 24, 2024. Following this, Mahesh will be joining hands with SS Rajamouli for a jungle adventure along the lines of Indiana Jones. Tentatively titled SSMB29, Mahesh Babu's film with Rajamouli is said to be the most expensive film ever made in the history of Indian cinema.