New Delhi: Amid the controversy surrounding south actor Mahesh Babu over his controversial statement, netizens have now found yet another reason to troll him for promoting a tobacco brand with Tiger Shroff. Mahesh Babu recently found himself embroiled in controversy over his statement "Bollywood can't afford me." While promoting his upcoming movie 'Major', Mahesh Babu was asked when will he be making his debut in Hindi films. The actor said that he wasn't interested in debuting in Bollywood and he didn't want to waste his time.
Following this, several celebrities and prominent figures from the industry reacted to the statement and while Babu received support from his fans, he also received flaks. Netizens took to Twitter, trolling the actor for promoting a tobacco brand. A user wrote, "it's funny how #MaheshBabu said that #Bollywood can't afford him. But a pan masala brand can ( he endorses Pan Bahar and having a Bollywood equivalent in Tiger shroff). Nothing wrong with it. But next time onwards, bring a better argument to act that Elite." Another said, "I assume only TFI stars like #MaheshBabu are allowed to sell Pan Masala products, while the rest are abused for doing the same. Nice double standards." Take a look at more reactions here. Recently, Akshay Kumar also received intense backlash for promoting a tobacco brand and had to step down.