Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela made head turns with her mesmerizing outfit at the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) 2023 in Abu Dhabi on Friday night. Donned in an all-white feather gown for the grand award night, she looked like a Disney princess. She tied her hair into a bun and kept her makeup heavy. At the event, she was asked about cricketer Rishabh Pant but she ignored the question and said "Let's talk about IIFA".
In the video, when the interviewer asked about Rishabh Pant, Urvashi said, "I'm here in IIFA. We're celebrating the films, we're celebrating the actors, the direction, and every single thing. So yeah, let's talk about this, let's not talk about cricket." The interviewer further asked, "But you're a fan also...as a fan...?" Urvashi then interrupted and said, "Ok so I will ask you the question. Who do you think is going to win IPL?" The interviewer answered, "The best one I would say." And then asked the same to her to which she replied, "I really want Chennai Super Kings, because of Dhoni."
Recently, the actor impressed the audience with her beautiful outfits at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival 2023. Her appearance at the opening ceremony of the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival became the talk of the town over her unique fashion style. She hit the Cannes red carpet wearing a pink ruffle gown. However, it was her crocodile choker that caught the attention. The actor's Cartier crocodile jewelry evoked mixed reactions from the netizens.
Also read: Urvashi Rautela shimmers at Cannes on day 2 after hitting back at trolls for alligator neckpiece
While some appreciated the actress for bringing something unique to the red carpet, a section of social media users trolled her over her style. Along with that, she also stunned the audience with her unique 'birdie look' on the Cannes red carpet. Meanwhile, on the work front, Urvashi has recently come up with the web series Inspector Avinash opposite actor Randeep Hooda.