Hyderabad: Fukrey 3 starring Richa Chadha, Varun Sharma, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh, and Pankaj Tripathi debuted well in theatres on Thursday. According to early estimates from Sacnilk.com, it made an initial collection of Rs 8.5 crore on its opening day. The comedy flick is the third installment in the successful film trilogy, directed by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba.
On its second day, Fukrey 3 made Rs 7.98 crore at the box office, as per industry tracker Sacnilk. This brings the total collection at Rs 16.48 crore. According to the said Industry tracker, Fukrey 3 had a 22.12 percent occupancy on Friday. It was the most well-received film when it released in theatres alongside Kangana Ranaut's Chandramukhi 2 and Vivek Agnihotri's The Vaccine War.
Fukrey 3's box office numbers are significant given that it was released during Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan ruling the box office, as well as competition from The Vaccine War and Chandramukhi 2. Vivek Agnihotri's The Vaccine War, its biggest competition, only made Rs 1.3 crore on its second day.
Talking about the trend of sequels, Ritesh Sidhwani, the film's producer, said that there have been numerous series that have not maintained the pace. "I've seen sequels that didn't work. I will not name them. It succeeds if the characters are memorable and there is enough enthusiasm for the film for people to watch it. You should keep making the picture if you believe the story is organically and effortlessly progressing since there is already a fandom for the film, but you must deliver," he stated.
This time, the Fukrey 3 cast reintroduces Hunny (Pulkit Samrat), Choocha (Varun Sharma), and Laali (Manjot Singh), who take it upon themselves to prevent Bholi (Richa Chadha) from winning the Delhi elections and causing a 'shock in the capital with her unethical practises'.