Mumbai: One of the fittest celebrities of Hindi film industry is undoubtedly Bollywood actor Disha Patani. Disha Patani is at the top of the list when we discuss B-town divas with washboard abs. Proof of her hardwork and determination is a video shared by her fitness trainer on Instagram, where the MS Dhoni actor is seen lifting heavyweights with much ease.
The young actress makes the most of each day by working out diligently, as evidenced by her trim figure and now this video. Her workout video was shared by Rajendra Dhole, her gym trainer. In the video, Disha is seen wearing yellow coloured shots and greyish crop-top jacket.
Disha reshared the video on her Instagram stories with the caption: Deadlifting with ease followed by a string of emoticons. The actor was asked to do as many reps as possible with the heavyweight and while fitness enthusiast Rajendra expected one succesful rep, she surprised him by doing five reps without any break. At the end of the video, we see Disha exclaiming 'unreal.'
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The actress has amassed a following of up to 13 million fans. Her Instagram page makes it clear that the actress is a fitness enthusiast. Through her Instagram feed, she consistently keeps people in awe of her workout routine. She obviously loves working out, and encourages her audience to do the same.
Fitness enthusiasts will enjoy her Instagram because she frequently posts fascinating videos of cardio exercises like running and cycling. Disha has captured the interest of numerous individuals by performing challenging deadlifts and hip thrusts. If you believe that lifting large amounts of weight is only for men, you should learn from Disha.
The Malang actor is all too aware of how strength training can make you stronger. Disha has captured the attention of many by performing challenging deadlifts and hip thrusts like they are nothing more than child's play, dispelling the myth that lifting heavy weights is a 'men-only' activity.