Hyderabad: Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have come together for a collab that has taken social media by storm. The teaser of the undisclosed project also features RRR star Ram Charan and Ponniyin Selvan actor Trisha. Ranveer piqued the interest of his fans as he dropped a teaser of the collab with Deepika, Ram Charan, and Trisha on social media.
On Sunday, Ranveer shared an intriguing video that opens with Deepika lodging a complaint about her missing husband at a police station. The next shot features Ranveer finding the "target" and Ram Charan in a chase while the end features distressed Trisha in a police station.
The curiosity is amped up by a tagline in the video that reads: "Some mysteries are better left unsolved." The fans, however, will not have to wait for long as Ranveer in his caption mentioned that the "big reveal" is coming out soon and the "secret" will be revealed for all to know.
The video appears to be a teaser for an advert that will feature the stars together. With DeepVeer (as fans fondly call Deepika and Ranveer), Ram Charan, and Trisha, the makers have pulled off an impressive casting coup. The buzz in the trade hints that the collab is for a food brand that Ranveer endorses. The fans, however, are excited to see the biggest of stars coming together even if it is for a commercial while a section of social media users are already floating the cast for a movie together.